video dance




In this video dance performance, Evelin Stadler presents a portrait in dance. On screen the physical nature of the figure is less important that the impression that the person makes. Playing a role means delving deep into the universe of the person portrayed, removing the actor from the self-referential sphere typical of our times. Thus the portrait is able to capture in dance the physical essence of a real person, the complexity of her existence and movement. This dance video is part of a triptych devoted to three outstanding women.

Concept, choreography, video: Evelin Stadler
Performer: Anastasia Kostner
Music: Frank Gerhardt

Supported by Kulturamt der Stadt Kassel, Abteilung für Deutsche Kultur der Autonomen Provinz Bozen, Hessisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst

Evelin Stadler

Evelin Stadler studied at the “Folkwang Universität der Künste“ in Essen. Since then she has worked as dancer, choreographer and teacher. Together with the composer Frank Gerhardt, she took over the management of the “Atelierhaus Gerhardt Stadler“ in 2017, a laboratory for dance and music in Gudensberg (Kassel).