sabrina fraternali

Sabrina Fraternali

Originally from Brixen, Sabrina Fraternali studied dance and choreography in Turin and Milan and holds an MD in comparative literature. She currently works as a choreographer, actress and performer in Italy and abroad. Her first choreography Glauco (2017) was selected for Network Anticorpi XL. She is part of the artistic team of the International Platform for Contemporary Dance for Young Audience Generator and member of the Südtiroler Tanzkollektiv. Beside her creative work on stage she develops Dance and Community Dance programs for kids and youngsters and teaches choral movement at music schools.

Tanzkollektiv TEAM

Doris Plankl

Doris Plankl


Doris Plankl

Martina Marini


Ewald Kontschieder

Ewald Kontschieder


Jesus Maria Lezameta

Jesus Maria Lezameta


Franz Weger

Franz Weger


Maria Tullia Pedrotti

Maria Tullia Pedrotti


Sarah Merler

Sarah Merler

sabrina fraternali

Sabrina Fraternali